martes, 20 de diciembre de 2016

Backdoor.apk, How a script in bash can add a backdoor to apk easily

Backdoor-apk, it's a script in bash, writed by Dana James, this make easy the process to add a backdoor to any file APK of Android. You need to have practical knowledge of Linux, Metasploit, Apkool, SDK de Android, smali, etc. The code is here:

You'll find the APK recompiled in directory  "original/dist", Then install the APK on any compatible device Android, run and and handle the connection meterpreter through the script resources : msfconsole -r backdoor-apk.rc



Cracking WPA & WPA2 with WPS vulnerability simple and fast Pixiewps and Reaver

Hack WPA/WPA2 in a way very fast & simple method by hacking WPS first, with Reaver and Pixiewsp Brute force, working with Kali linux and Backtrack

Link to Download Pixiewps :
Link to Download Reaver 1.5.2 :